Dragonflight PVP Season 1 Guide

January 29, 2023

The first season of the World of Warcraft Dragonflight introduces new items, equipment, mounts, steep ranks, and rating levels. Our professionals at Askboosters.com have tirelessly put together this guide for both new and old players. The guide will help make the process easier and faster and enable players to enjoy all the game’s adventures. Sit back and have a fun-filled adventure from our detailed guide.

Dragon Flight PVP Season 1

PVP Changes for WoW Dragonflight

There are new changes and varieties introduced in WOW Dragonflight. In this new Dragonflight, you don’t need a gear upgrade to achieve the highest PvP item level in this new Dragonflight. The upgrade you need is just to boost the PvP item that you are in. 
In this Askboosters.com guide, we have listed in detail the new expansions that come with the new WOW Dragonflight to help you get the best out of the game.

  • New arena locations and different rotation levels: An exciting terrain is introduced in the WOW Dragonflight. It is the Nokhudon Proving Grounds which is centered in the Ohn’ahran Plains. The arena houses pillars, climbing areas, and enough space. 

Initially, there were 15 arenas in the battle spaces. However, for the convenience and swiftness of players, it has been reduced to 8. Players can access these new arenas in each new week alongside 3 sets, giving players room to advance in their skills and strategies. 

Rotation 3 Rotation 2 Rotation 1
Peak Tigers Arena Nagrand Peak Tigers
Nokhudon Proving Grounds Lordaeron Ruins Nokhudon Proving Grounds
Crucible Enigma Domain Empyrean Collseum Maldraxxus
Mugambala Arena Blade Edge Fall Ashamane
The Robodrome Collseum Maldraxxus Domain Empyrean
Fall Ashamane Arena Hold Rook Black Crucible Enigma
Point Hook Nokhudon Proving Grounds Sewers Dalaran
Arena Nagrand Arena Tol’Viron Arena Nagrand
  • New PvP talent and accessory bonus: There is a great talent introduced in the Dragonflight. It is called Precognition. This new talent is used when your spell is disrupted. Your character can boost its speed by a 15% rate and access immunity for about 4 seconds. PvP-level accessories can be placed in a set, and you earn a unique bonus when you put together 2 pieces of sets. These pieces are called the Gladiator Distinction, which decreases the character control time by 10% decrease. 

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How Long is a PVP Season in WOW?

Seasons Season Title Duration
Season 1 Gladiator 20 weeks
Season 2 Merciless Gladiator 23 weeks
Season 3 Vengeful Gladiator 29 weeks
Season 4 Brutal Gladiator 17 weeks
Season 5 Deadly Gladiator 17 weeks
Season 6 Furious Gladiator 18 weeks
Season 7 Relentless Gladiator 20 weeks
Season 8 Wrathful Gladiator 37 weeks
Season 9 Vicious Gladiator 28 weeks
Season 10 Ruthless Gladiator 21 weeks
Season 11 Cataclysmic Gladiator 38 weeks
Season 12 Malevolent Gladiator 22 weeks
Season 13 Tyrannical Gladiator 26 weeks
Season 14 Grievous Gladiator 22 weeks
Season 15 Prideful Gladiator 33 weeks
Season 16 Primal Gladiator 29 weeks
Season 17 Wild Gladiator 22 weeks
Season 18 Warmongering Gladiator 35 weeks
Season 19 Vindictive Gladiator 12 weeks
Season 20 Fearless Gladiator 15 weeks
Season 21 Cruel Gladiator 11 weeks
Season 22 Ferocious Gladiator 11 weeks
Season 23 Fierce Gladiator 13 weeks
Season 24 Dominant Gladiator 16 weeks
Season 25 Demonic Gladiator 17 weeks
Season 26 Dread Gladiator 20 weeks
Season 27 Sinister Gladiator 22 weeks
Season 28 Notorious Gladiator 27 weeks
Season 29 Corrupted Gladiator 38 weeks
Season 30 Sinful Gladiator 28 weeks
Season 31 Unchained Gladiator 32 weeks
Season 32 Cosmic Gladiator 22 weeks
Season 33 Eternal Gladiator 12 weeks
Season 34 Crimson Gladiator(Dragonflight Season 1) 13th December 2023 – Present


Dragonflight PVP Gear in Season 1

There are a lot of things to discover in this section. Every PvP item is equivalent in strength to the best gear in the mythic system. In this new WOW Dragonflight, a boosted ranking in the arena implies a player earning stronger items and rewards in the PvE section. Our Askboosters experts can help you scale through all these gear levels. 

Gear Required PvP item level 
Crafted gear Level 398
War mode gear Level 408
Unrated PvP gear Level 411
Trophy of strife gear Level 421
Unique crafted gear Level 424
Rated PvP gear Level 424

Unrated PvP gear

You need the honor to buy and boost this Unrated PvP gear. The honor is the Seltherex, and the honor gear is required to begin at Level 411 in PvP. You can boost this gear 5 times in a row with the Corxian honor. 

Rated Pvp Gear

You need conquests to earn this gear. These conquests are obtained when you win rated PvP matches. You only earn these conquests at the weekly cap level of 550. The conquest quartermaster is the Calderax. Like the Shadowlands, when you engage in the Ranked play, you get access to 3 slots in the Great vault. The distinction in this gear is that your PvP level does not increase with your rating. Except for your non-PvP item level increases. You need a substantial quantity of honor to boost the conquest. 

War Mode Gear

You can purchase this gear with the Bloody tokens earned from the Fieldmaster Emberath. These bloody tokens are obtained via World PvP in the war and the war mode PvP world quests. This gear is in level 408 PvP item level and is the best means to start a new character. The gear advances alongside your item level. 

Crafted Gear

You earn this gear from every armor type once you reach level 70. This gear is in PvP level 398 and is affordable for every player.

Great vault

You can find the Great vault in this Dragonflight. It helps players select an extra gear in a week, and players have close to three choices. The PvP item level you attain depends on your highest rating that week. You can access three slots in a week, each of which gives access to a different gear.  What you need to earn each week:  You have to possess 1250 honors from a rated PvP, 2500 honors from a rated PvP, and 5000 honors from a rated PvP.

Trophy of Strife Gear

It is a new PvP gear introduced in Dragonflight. This gear has a PvP item level of 421 and has only 3 item levels rated below the required PvP gear. You can also earn specially crafted gear which requires you to reach level 60. You can also use this Trophy of strife to boost your War PvP gear, and you can buy this gear with Bloody tokens. When you begin the Dragonflight PvP season 1, Malicia, the Scourge of the flightless, rewards players with Ta rophy of strife on a weekly quest.

Solo Shuffle

This new PvP gear was introduced in the late Shadowlands. The Solo shuffle is divided into 2 versions, the ranked and non-ranked versions. This gear is the only gear where you can perform independent activities. It is a 3 man-team arena where you give out squad members when each round is completed. There are a total of 6 rounds. You earn rewards based on the number of rounds you are successful in. A round is completed when the first person is eliminated, and every player has their talents and different ratings. The rated rewards are the seasonal rewards, achievements, and weekly great vault progress. In the Solo shuffle, tank players can queue, the protection paladins are regarded as the healers, and other tank specializations are regarded as DPS. Any player who exits the Solo shuffle match will receive the Deserter debuff punishment. This is similar to being eliminated from the 6 rounds.  

Dragonflight PVP

Dragonflight PVP Season 1 Reward

There are new rewards added in the Dragonflight PvP season alongside the existing ones. The significant rewards in the Dragonflight PvP Season 1 are in the form of titles, mounts, and the appearance of the equipment. 

  • 1000 rating: Combatant 1 with back Elite set.
  • 1200 rating: Combatant 2 with legs and wrist elite set.
  • 1400 rating: Challenger 1 with hands and feet elite set
  • 1600 rating: Challenger 2 with chest and waist elite set
  • 1800 rating: Rival 1 with head and shoulder elite set
  • 2100 rating: Duelist with prestige cloak and enchantment for weapons. 
  • 2400 rating: Elite with tabard and any weapon appearance. 

The fascinating rewards are earned by players in the 0.1% section of the table in the 3-man team arena when the game season is over. The winners will earn the Crimson Gladiator title and the Dragonflight season 1 achievement.  

You can easily earn these rewards with the help of our professional boosters at Askbossters.gg. We also offer Halo Infinite boosting, Pokemon  Go levelling, World of Tanks boosting, and OSRS leveling services

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Honour Upgrade Costs and Gear Purchase for Dragonflight 

S/N Armour Slot Type Rank 5 Rank 4 Rank 3 Rank 2 Rank 1
1. Off-hands Honour 625 Honour 500 Honour 300 Honour 250 Honour 425
2. Two-Hands Weapon Honour 2500 Honour 2000 Honour 1250 Honour 1000 Honour 1750
3. Trinkets Honour 1000/750 Honour 800/600 Honour 500/375 Honour 400/300 Honour 700/525
4. One-Hand Weapon Honour 1250 Honour 1000 Honour 625 Honour 500 Honour 875
5. Belts, Rings, Bracers and Cloaks Honour 750 Honour 600 Honour 400 Honour 300 Honour 525
6. Feet, Gloves and Shoulders Honour 1000 Honour 800 Honour 500 Honour 400 Honour 700
7.  Legs, Chest and Helms Honour 1250 Honour 1000 Honour 625 Honour 500 Honour 875


What is the Conquest Cap in Dragonflight PVP Season 1?

You need Conquest currency to buy PvP gear. This conquest currency is earned when you are involved in Arenas and battlegrounds. In your first-week conquest cap, the cap is rated at 1350 and advances by 550 each week. It is recommended that you utilize the first conquest rating rightly. You could purchase a trinket or gloves. You can also buy Robux online and Vex Mythoclast Destiny 2 for other leveling activities.

Hire Dragonflight Leveling 60-70

Cosmetics (Elite Conquest Gear) for Dragonflight 

The Elite conquest gear is the Glamora. She is into selling cosmetics, which she exchanges for about 10 or 5 marks of honor. However, you need to have attained the 2400 rating to purchase the Elite conquest PvP gear.

How to Upgrade Your Gear in Dragonflight 

You can upgrade your gear with the Corxian Honors earned in Valdrakken. You can find the NPC close to the Elite Conquest gear. 

At Askboosters, we offer gear upgrade services. You can also boost your games and get legit WoW boost at very affordable prices. Read our SkyCoach review to know more about our other services.

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Michael Peters

Site Editor at askboosters.com
Michael Peters is a video game enthusiast who demystifies the complexities of the games in reviews. He is a seasoned writer with over five years of experience in the gaming industry. He writes more about games, boosting, and leveling services. Michael leverages his in-depth gaming knowledge to provide valuable information to video gamers.

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